Events to Inspire and Increase your Faith
A traditional spa cleanses the physical body, whereas the suggestions you will find here will refresh your soul.
We personally engage in this activity on a regular basis and highly recommend it as a Spa for the Soul.
SOULCORE is an apostolate that intentionally engages the whole person in the sacred experience of the rosary. Integrating the prayers of the rosary with core strengthening, stretching and functional movements to nourish body & soul and encourage deeper reflection on the virtues.
A gentle path to grow in virtue and cultivate interior peace. At St. Joan of Arc, Catholic Church in Boca Raton, Florida, SOULCORE is offered on the beach at sunrise and in a local gym. To find more information as to how you can participate go to and click on “Find a SOULCORE Class”. This activity is for men and women. We have found this to be a great way to combine exercise and prayer. If you are so inspired you can attend a retreat and even become a leader!
Information is available on their website.
Women of Grace: Malvern Summer Retreat
Click the photo to view a slideshow from our time at Malvern
A wonderful summer retreat that we highly recommend. It is hosted by the Women of Grace
Apostolate, led by president and founder Johnette B. Williams. The retreat will be held June 28-30, 2024 at the Malvern Retreat House, 315 S. Warren Ave., Malvern, PA. For more information and registration go to:
We attended this retreat a few years ago and truly had a Spa for Soul experience. The retreat grounds include 125 rolling acres, creating a spiritual sanctuary in the woods. Along the paths there are seven shrines dedicated to the Blessed Mother including a replica of Lourdes where we stopped to pray. You will also find “countless sacred spaces, private chapels, shrines, grottos and places for reflection”. The Women of Grace Retreat is an opportunity to invite your friends and have a fun, faith filled adventure. When we attended, we had a group of ten friends join us and most had never been to a retreat that was so nourishing to the soul before. Click on the video to enjoy our adventure.
More spa activities coming soon!